Saturday, January 31, 2009

Where Soul Meets Body

WOD 1-30-09:
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 Body Weight Deadlift
15 Ball Slams, 20# ball

Very fun workout. Scaled back on the Deadlift--95#, and used the 10# ball. Finished 8.5 rounds. My one rep max on deadlift is 185, which as of now, is my body weight.

I went to class abotu 30 minutes early hoping to get some help on my band assisted pull ups, since I have yet to be able to do one since I started back in November. I have tried to do a couple, but could barely get more than halfway up. Koy was great, and showed me how to do a little kip, and I was able to do a band assisted pull up. Green band. Woo hoo! It's a start. I managed to do 4 perfect ones, a few almost perfect, and a lot of almosts. I am really happy with my progress. Goal for end of 2009, be able to do at least one unassisted pullup. Koy thinks that I should be able to get 20 in a row, but I will take my baby steps for now.

After discussions with both Koy and Sam, I am feeling really good about all the hard work I have been putting in. I still have some insecurities about my abilities. I want to be good at everything, and it doesn't always happen right away. While incredibly frustrating, I have to make sure that I don't get down on myself. I can only do as much as I can and to the best of my abilities. It's sometimes hard to remember that I am only competing with myself, when I want to be competing with everyone else. Main thing is, I am improving!

Diet yesterday: Pretty good
Breakfast: 3 slices of bacon, 1/2 cup hospital oatmeal (very icky)
Lunch: Small Salad, 1/2 wheat roll and pineapple for desert
Dinner: Baked Chicken Breast, handful of almonds
Total Water intake for the day: 2L

Currently listening to: Death Cab for Cutie "Where Soul Meets Body"