Sunday, March 27, 2011

Last Week

Last week I went to another CFD workout. It was fun. :)

AMRAP in 12 minutes
3 cleans
6 pull ups
9 box jumps

I wanted to do this workout because I have been dying to do pull ups for a while. :) I want to do pull ups? Sounds crazy right? But I wanted to see what I could do. I ended up just doing the bar for the cleans. Legs were still weak from the previous two workouts. It was still challenging for me in the later rounds. I did the green band for the pull ups. And surprisingly, I was doing well at them. I managed to do most of them chest to bar. I could probably do a smaller band for a few of the pull ups, but not for the entire workout. And for the box jumps, I did the 12 inch box. I ended up doing step ups. I could do one or two actually jumping, but visions of Sandy falling over the box kept coming into my head. So I just did step ups.

I managed to do 6 full rounds, and finished my 3 cleans. Not too shabby for coming back. I hope to be able to do this workout again.

Now Phoenix and I are trying to figure out how I am going to pay/go to Crossfit. It still may have to wait until school is out, but I am glad that I got a taste back.


  1. You go, girl! I'm proud of you!!! Don't think of Sandy and her poor purple ankle! OMG Hope to catch you at a WOD!

  2. Thanks! :) I have missed the fun and craziness! Hopefully I can come back soon! :)
