Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Can See Clearly Now....

Well, today is the end of the Spring 2010 Semester. I passed all my classes. And honestly, this is the worst I have ever done. Made it out with 3 B's and 2 A's. But yay! I passed! I am so glad this semester is over. It really was the semester from hell! I begin Maymester on Monday (Which happens to be my birthday, so not looking forward to going to school on my birthday, oh well). I am taking my elective, which will be Spanish For Health Care Professionals. Granted, it will be useful, just don't want to take it. Hopefully it won't be that bad.

So, this past Saturday, we all went to CrossFit Deep. :) It was a really FUN workout! We did tabata box jumps, kettle bell swings, and tire flips. We did this in 3 teams. I got total 169 reps between box jumps and Kettle bell swings. Not bad, but my team was unable to pull out the win. But still lots of fun! Hopefully the one on Saturday will be just as fun!!


  1. Great job this semester!! :) I totally feel you about feeling not so great about the grade (although Bs are not bad!)--this past course I just finished today was the worst one in terms of organization, grading, and pacing. I felt pretty lost throughout the whole class, and if I squeak by with a B, I will be very surprised. Ugh, there goes my 4.0. :/ Oh well, just three more classes and I will have my Master's degree! Yippee!!! Can't wait to see you next weekend--do you want me to bring some wine?

  2. 3 more classes?!?!? That's great! And I know that B's aren't bad. I just have always thought that I needed to be perfect, and I know that I am so far from it, but doesn't stop me from trying. Hopefully you will get a B in that bad class.

    And for next weekend, I have several bottles of wine at my place, so I will take care of that! It's going to be fun! And it will be interesting if Emily and Theresa can get Phoenix to drink....hehe.

  3. Lol, we're going to bring Mexican Train dominoes, so there will be pressure on him to drink since we can make a drinking game out of it...why doesn't he like to drink? Just curious. :)

    Want me to bring some glasses? Or plastic cups? Haha, so college, right?

  4. He just doesn't want to "alter his senses". And he hasn't found things that he really likes. We have cups. This is going to be so college! LOL. And it looks like everyone RSVP'd, so it should be about 8 of us! Unless Theresa has to work. Hopefully not though!

  5. Sweet! Oh pshaw, altering your senses is relaxing! It's a matter of just unwinding and enjoying the lovely tastes that only wine can impart to your tongue and spirit. (Try that one on him.) No, really, I think the health benefits definitely are worth it, too--he's a tall dude, so one glass of wine won't make him feel tipsy or anything...right? Then again, I get tipsy off one glass, but I'm really short and a lightweight.

  6. LOL. That's true. I am a lightweight too. This will be interesting. But with 7 of us trying to get him to drink just a little, it might work! And it's not like we are asking him to get drunk. But I will have my camera!! :)
