Thursday, August 6, 2009

Crazy Days!

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I thought about it, and just never got around to it.

Work was crazy in Allen! It began as a nice slow morning, and then the doctor I was working with, actually said it was slow! Rule #1 of being in the ER...never ever say SLOW! The shit will hit the fan, and it will get crazy! Low and behold...what happens? You guessed it, it got crazy! Our simple anxiety chick ended up having a psychotic break. And people just kept coming in, and we didn't have rooms...yadda yadda....just a busy day. By the time I finally got off, honestly, I didn't feel like working out let alone doing 100 thrusters. But, I did go work out. I just didn't do the workout of the day. I did 1.5 miles on the elliptical. Then did 100 leg presses. I did 10 sets of 10, increasing in weight with each set. I did: 180-185-190-195-200-205-210-215-220-240. Legs felt like jello after this. Then, I did 3 rounds of: 5 pull ups 5 dips. Then did ab work. Fun stuff! Felt so much better after working out!

Unscheduled rest day. My mom came into Dallas to come see me. We went and saw Harry Potter (I've already seen it, but she was begging me to take her!). Had a great yummy lunch at Pei Wei. Ate all of the meat, but maybe only 2 bites of the rice. Maybe if I was going to work out, then I would have eaten more of the rice. Then, we went to Costco. I've never been to Costco, so it was fun! I kept looking at things, and going wow...such a good deal. I got this HUGE thing of almond butter for $5.99. The smallest jar I've ever been able to find costs that much. So, I had to get a jar even though I already had some at home. Never hurts to stock up! It was just nice to enjoy a day off with my mom! :)

Back at work...yay Plano! I missed being back at Plano. Of all the hospitals I work at, this is where I am most comfortable. Anyway, I knew I was going to be busy today. The doctor I was with texted me the day before telling me that we didn't have any PA coverage for our shift. So, for the first 6 hours, we were all alone. Day began with a CPR! Haven't seen a CPR in a while, so it was nice for a change. Sorry to say, the woman didn't make it. But then again, at least 90% of the people who come in with CPR will not make it. Day was actually going pretty well, until about 1 hour before we got the next doctor. About that time, we had like 5 ambulances and then had to take care of the people that were already there. We had a couple of people with an irregular heart rhythm at the same time, so kinda hectic making sure that every one's orders got done. So, today's workout was supposed to run 400m x 6. Well, to be completely honest, treadmills scare me. I am paranoid that I am going to trip and fall on face (probably because I have done that before...seriously...) So, I calculated how far that would actually be, and it comes out to being about 1.5 miles. I did 2 miles in 20 minutes with variable resistance and cross ramp. Then, I did 3 rounds: 5 pull ups, 5 ring dips. After that some ab work.

I know that I am not suffering as much as my fellow crossfitters, but the old me..would have just not worked out after such stressful work days. The old me would have gone home, laid on the couch, watched TV, and have eaten something bad. CrossFit has changed me. I enjoy working out. I have developed a passion for it. So, yes, I may not be doing what you guys are doing, but I am still working out. And I would much rather do something than nothing!


  1. Ha, funny how suffering defines a good workout for you now. :) What you're doing is awesome! I love your positive attitude and how you look at how far you've come and what the old you would have done. You rock!

  2. I know, funny isn't it? While I am working out, I think about you guys at the box and what you are doing. You guys are my motivation. Even started doing tabata ellipitcal! Hehe...CrossFit is everywhere!

  3. Awesome summaries of your crazy days, Amy! I don't know how you find the energy to workout after all that craziness at work!! But it's true--CrossFit is great stress relief and makes you feel so much better after a particularly trying day. I'm looking forward to the benefits when I'm back to working with my students. Great job on sticking with your workouts. Yay for cheaper, bigger jars of almond butter!! Did Costco have sunbutter? Kason and I considered joining, but I'm not sure if we will go that route. Keep up the posts! You're doing awesome, and I love reading how/what you're doing. Miss you!!!
