Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Week, New Beginning

WOD for 8-3-2009

100 push ups for time.

Ok, so the original WOD was 100 push ups for time, and every time you stopped, run 400m. I knew that I would have had to modify this because I didn't really have any idea of where 400m run would be in an gym. There wasn't really any room to run on the treadmill after doing push ups, and the rowers were both taken. SO, I just decided to do the 100 push ups, and then do some elliptical work. Not as exciting, but still kinda doing the same thing.

I did the elliptical work first. I did a little over a mile in about 11 minutes. I started doing tabata style on the elliptical for the last 3 minutes. That made it a little more interesting. After that, I went and did my 100 push ups. Don't really know my exact time, because I left my timer at home, so I was working off my phone. It was somewhere around 5 minutes. So, if you add both of my times, you get approximately 16 minutes of working out. That seems to make sense for this WOD for me.

Oh, on another random note....Crossfit has seriously been paying off! Everyone at work keeps telling me how great I look, and that I am like a whole new person! *Big Grin*

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: a couple of bites of scrambled eggs, bacon, 1/2c yogurt
Lunch: Salad, peanuts
Dinner: chicken breast cooked in olive oil, diced sweet potatoes, almonds, peach
Total Water Intake: 2.5L


  1. Awesome, Amy!!! Don't you love when your colleagues and friends notice how CrossFit has changed your body?! :D Yay! Great job on the WOD. I think your idea to do tabata intervals on the elliptical was really cool. Definitely makes it more interesting, eh? :) Great job! Hope work turns out better for you. :( Sorry I missed your FB messages--was making a post-WOD snack so I could take the yucky medicine.

  2. Hehe, it is awesome to hear that from your co-workers! Great job!
