WOD for 4-23-2009
WOD #1:
5 Rounds
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
WOD #2:
Back Squat
While browsing through other CrossFit sites, I came across the WOD #1. It looked like a lot of fun, so Linda and I did this one. For the SDHP, I used 45#. This was fairly eary. I should have gone with more weight, but with the back squat workout, I didn't want to go too heavy. For my HSPU, I subbed 20# dumbbells. Time for the WOD was 5:11. This is actually a fantastic warm up. A great intense 5 minute workout. I felt great when it was time for back squats!
WOD #2: Back Squats.
I really needed this workout after yesterday! I was so ready for this! I did low bar back squat instead of high bar. Low bar back squat is soooo much more comfortable than high bar. Old 2 rep PR was 105#. I knew that I wanted to get at least 120#.
The Work Set looked like this:
105-110-115-120-130 (PR)
A new PR by 25! Great progress in my opinion. Weight days are my favorite. I feel like I can really see improvement. It's hard to argue with a 25# jump. Back in high school, we did squats. But I was never able to break 90, nor did I ever add any weight. The entire 4 years of high school, I would work up to 95# and that was it. I never went any higher. With just a few months of Crossfit, I not only have gotten the 95#, but have increased my max to 130#. I wonder what the difference is between then and now. I thought was in better shape back in high school, but with Crossfit I have been able to lift more than I ever thought I could. Maybe it's the diet. Maybe it's the amazing coaches. Maybe it's the people I workout with that give me that extra motivation. Maybe it's my decision to be better than I was before. It's all of those things and so much more! If only there was Crossfit in high school....
Diet for yesterday:
Morning snack on the drive to work: 15 peanuts
Breakfast: Egg white omelet, 1 orange, 1 cup strawberries, 5 almonds
Lunch: 1 1/2 chicken breasts (normally I would just eat one, but trying to increase protein), 1 1/2 cups mixed vegetables
Snack: 1 cup blackberries, 12 almonds
Dinner: Salad with mixed vegetables & 3 baked chicken strips cut up in the salad
Total Water Intake: ~2.5L
Currently Listening to: "Pain" by Three Days Grace
Awesome work, Amy! Congrats!