Saturday, April 11, 2009

Finally Found Myself

WOD for 4-10-2009

WOD #1 with Sandy
3 rounds:
10 ring dips
10 box jumps
10 KB swings
200m run

WOD #2
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Woo Hoo for Sandy doing her first 2 a day!!! I'm so proud of her! The first time you do a two a day, it can be really tiring....wait, all 2 a days are tiring. I made up this Pre-WOD WOD. I was just wanting to go for something quick and work on things that I knew I needed work on. This was actually pretty fun. The ring dips are still a killer! Green band on ring dips, small box for box jumps, and 35# KB.

Ahh...Cindy...what can I say about Cindy. Cindy is a bitch! I think overall, I did OK. I tried to have a idea of at least the number of rounds I wanted to complete. I did a half Cindy several months ago, and was able to get 6 rounds with a 10 pound weight vest and jumping pull ups. So, I wanted to get at least 12 rounds. I got 12 rounds and 4 pull ups. (Pull ups were with the Green band, and I did knee push ups). I would have rather gotten a few more rounds, but I just didn't pull it out today. Jen was great motivation today. She kept me going on Cindy, which I really needed it! I was dragging some yesterday, and I think it was due to the 1/4 cup mashed potatoes I had. (I have a weakness for potatoes....) I do apologize to Wade though...I think I kicked him a few times while I was doing my pull ups....sorry Wade!

So, the title of this blog is "Finally Found Myself". I always thought I knew what I was made of. Since beginning Crossfit....I have learned so much about myself. I found out how tough I was, and how much my body can take. My body can handle a lot more than I ever imagined. I don't ever remember feeling the way that I have felt after doing some of these workouts in high school. I had never worked out until I cried from sheer exhaustion. I didn't think that was possible back then. In high school, we did weight training, but I never really progressed. And I am not sure why. Maybe it was because I was never motivated to lift 5 more pounds. I thought that I was fairly motivated in high school. (I was All-State in basketball my senior year, valedictorian...not bragging...just saying, I had motivation to be the best). So, where did all of this extra motivation come from? The difference now is simple....amazing coaches (not that my high school ones were amazing, just different) and the wonderful people that I have met. Linda, Mel, Dee, Lindsey and Sandy.....You guys push me when I don't think I can give anymore. I look at you guys during the workout, and it helps me continue on and finish strong. So thank you! With your help, I know more about myself and I look forward to continuing this amazing journey!

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: 3 pieces of bacon, 1 cooked egg white, 1 apple
Lunch: salad with chicken (not sure what the chicken was cooked with, but it was in some kind of tomato based sauce. I drained as much of the sauce out as I could since I didn't know what was in it...probably a lot of salt and tomatoes....) 1/4c mashed potatoes (I know...I know...cut them out....)
Dinner: 2 balsamic chicken wraps from Fireside Pies, 2 sangrias, 1/2 walnut brownie (friends birthday brownie)
Snack: handful of peanuts, blackberries
Total Water Intake: ~2L

Currently Listening to: "The Kill" by 30 Seconds to Mars

*This will be my last blog post until I get back from Boston! Hopefully I won't go into too many CFDC withdrawals!!!

1 comment:

  1. You rock. Thank you again for all your help yesterday! I can't wait till our next pre-WOD! Have a great trip!!
