Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hit You In The Sweet Spot

WOD for 4-28-2009

WOD # 1
800m run
500m row
800m run

WOD #2
100m weighted carry

Monday, I was supposed to be playing in a charity golf tournament...stupid, instead of going to CFDC, I took a REAL rest day. No work, no working out...just plain resting. I really needed it. Granted, I just sat around the house and caught up on Tivo, but I really did just need the day off. I should take more of these....just not in the cards right now though.

WOD #1 was from Monday (which I missed). It was rough! The first run wasn't too bad. I feel like I made good time for me. On the SDHP, I used 65#, which was 20 more pounds than I have done in a workout. No clue what my one rep max is with this lift, but I am interested to see. The weight wasn't too bad...the first set. The second, it felt like it weighed a ton! Time wasn't the best for this workout. I rested a lot more during the SDHPs than I should have.
Time: 19:50

WOD #2:
Snatch...hate it...which means that I should do tons more right? Normally, I would do 45# for the snatch. I have some issues with my form. 45#, good form, 50# ok, and 55#...I usually end up messing up. Either going to far forward, not getting low enough in my squat, or going backwards. But that was a couple of months ago. I did use 55# in this workout. I had a few mistakes, but I really do think I am improving overall. The other part of this workout was the carries...For the first 2 carries, I used 60# (2-30# DB) I probably used too much weight because my arms were shot after the first WOD. The 3rd one I used 2-26# KB, and for the last two....I used the 26# KB. Kinda sucks having to go down so much weight. But next time, I think that I will just start off with the 2 26# KB and I should be able to finish with just that weight.
Time: 11:20

Diet for yesterday:
Morning snack: peanuts and strawberries
Lunch: 1 club sandwich from Jason's Deli (minus the bread), mixed fruit, 3 almonds
Snack when I got home: 7 peanuts (no more snacks before workout, makes my stomach queasy)
Dinner: 1 beer (corona), 2 strips of pork tenderloin, maybe 2 ounces of chicken, 1/2 potsticker (didn't eat all of the potatoes in it, maybe 2 small bites), 1/2 oatmeal cookie, and then blackberries (when I got home from Liver Rounds)
Total water intake: 1.5L

Yep, diet not great for this day. It was crazy busy at work, and we didn't have time to run to the cafeteria and get food. And of course, the one day where I don't bring snacks and meals, is the one day that I don't get to eat. Lesson learned!

Currently Listening to "Wrestlers" by Hot Chip


  1. Whoa, nice job on the back-to-back workouts! Your 11:20 time on the second WOD after that Monday workout is impressive.

  2. Thanks Jamie! The second workout did not sound like such a good idea after the first one. I think that my time could have been better if I didn't do Monday's workout beforehand. Oh well. I will try it again for a pre-WOD I think.

    And Sam...I am hooked on Hot Chip now....
