WOD for 4-28-2009
3 rounds for time:
10 Clean and Jerk
15 Ring Dips
20 Kettlebell Swings
When I first looked at this workout at work, I thought that it was going to be a lot of fun....boy was I wrong! During the first set of ring dips...I realized that this was not a fun workout. I liked everything else, but the ring dips. I used 65# for the clean and jerks! The last time I did clean and jerks was back on 3-10-09, and I did 50# nine times. A 15# increase is a huge bonus in my book! Used Green band for the ring dips. For the KB swings, I did the prescibed weight for girls which was 35#! Woo hoo! Another small victory...I'll take it! Thanks Kat, Sandy, and Koy for cheering me on..I really needed it during that last set. My arms were like jello!
Had an interesting conversation with my little brother this day. He finds it funny that I am doing all of this CrossFit stuff. He says that he can't imagine me lifting all of this weight and working as hard as I have been. I can't wait to bring him to the gym one day, and totally kick his butt at Helen or Fran!! It will be a sight to see!
Breakfast: Egg white omelet, 2 pieces of bacon, 1/2c pineapple
Lunch: Tilapia, Salad, 1/4c rice pilaf, 8 almonds
Dinner: baked chicken, salad with mixed vegetables, sunflower seeds
Snack: strawberries, blackberries, almonds
Total Water Intake: 2L
Currently Listening to: "Banquet" by Bloc Party
Eat More!
ReplyDeleteI have been trying! You should see the size of the egg white omelet! They are huge! And the tilapia was 3-4 ounces. Do you recommend having another snack? I have tried adding a mid-morning snack, but then I am not hungry at lunch time.