Saturday, July 18, 2009

Just One of Those Weeks

So, week didn't start off the best, and while the rest of the week got better, still had a ton of stuff that needed to get done. On Wednesday, I had planned to get my windshield fixed, and well...I didn't know that I had a rain sensor on it, so it had to get fixed on Thursday. So, I get that fixed the next day, BUT the mirror that they replaced it with didn't come with the right part for my windshield mirror. So, they had to glue it, but I had to come back later that afternoon to get the mirror fixed.

Went to the Rancid/Rise Against concert Thursday night! Wow! I don't really know Rancid, but for a bunch of old guys (Band's been together for 18 years), they rocked it out! Rise Against was freaking amazing! So much energy! I was in the front, and had to leave the got way too rough for me. Normally I can take it, but just couldn't that night. CrossFit definitely pays off when going to rock concerts. I was able to jump up and down and rock out for about 3 hours and never really got tired! It even almost felt like I was back in the box! It felt like it was 100 degrees, and everyone is sticky and fun times! Seriously though, Rise Against, great energy! I highly recommend going to one of their shows next time they are in town!

Friday....more errands to run with the car. Planned to go to the noon class, but the place where I get my oil changed couldn't get me in until 11:30. And then he tells me that I need new tires...grrr...I am spending more money on this car than I am on me! Oh well..I have to get around.

Carrie and I went to see Harry Potter last night. The movie was good, however, there was a LOT cut out. I think that they could have played up the Half Blood Prince more and needed more of the private lessons with Dumbledore. While I do think that it was an excellent made film, it felt a little rushed to me. I am glad that they will be taking the 7th book and making it into two movies! And yes, even though I knew that Dumbledore was going to die, I still cried!

Carrie, it was great watching the movie with you! You kept me laughing at all the funny parts, and our side comments! I hope that we can go see something again soon! And maybe you can come too Sandy! :)


  1. Amy, I had a great time watching that with you! I felt bad and like laughing (sorry) when I saw you fanning your face or clapping your hands to your mouth when the bad part was coming up. :( I do think they did a good job with that. I really want to reread that book, though, because I got mad the last time and never read it again. Got mad at Snape and got mad that Dumbledore didn't magically come back to life (LOL). :) We should go see UP--I have not seen it yet and really want to! And hit up Kozy!!! :D

  2. I am fun to take to movies! If it's a good movie, I am totally into it! I think for the next one, we need to do the midnight showing and watch all the freaks! I have been to Harry Potter midnight showings, and they are a blast! I know what you mean about getting mad at the book! This is the first time I will have read it since it came out. Just couldn't bring myself to read the end again. But she does make up for it in book 7. We should go see UP! I have heard good things about it. And I am always down for Kozy....

  3. Wooohoo, maybe we can get Sandy to go with us, although I think she's seen UP before, but she can definitely join us for Kozy. :) I have no plans except a sushi night with a friend this week, so I'm down for whenever. Let me know!

    I'd love to do the midnight opening show for the last HP, although it sure will be tough waiting for the 2nd installment to be released. I'm sure lots of fans dress up for it lol! I went to a Final Fantasy symphony concert a while back, and someone dressed up a bit too much (it wasn't an anime convention, sheesh). He had a long blond wig and even the big-ass sword that Sephiroth uses in FF7. Too funny!
