Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mini CF Workout

WOD for 6-28-2009

"Invisible Fran"

Air Squats
Push Ups

100 sit ups

SO, thank you Sandy! I really appreciate you making me take a break. I miss CrossFit more than ever. First of all, my apartment is not a very motivating place to workout. Second, it is not nearly as hot as the CFDC gym, so it doesn't really make me feel like I am getting the added bonus of sweating a ton. Third, I miss the people.

Invisible Fran: Time: 3:03

Not too horrible seeing that I have been away from CFDC for almost 3 weeks.

Sit Ups: 4:40

Horrible time. Tried to use a pillow to sub for an ab mat...yeah, that didn't work out quite so well. But hey, I did it. OK, enough break time, must go grab a shower, and then eat and finish studying for my test tomorrow morning!

Breakfast: 2 whole wheat fiber waffles (CrossFit recipe approved), 1c strawberries, 2 pieces of turkey bacon
Lunch: 1 chicken breast, 10 baked sour cream and onion lays potato chips, 2 pieces of celery, 7 almonds
Dinner: 4 slices of turkey, salad with sunflower seeds


  1. Nice job, Amy! I am disappointed to say that I couldn't get this one done yesterday :-/ I wasn't able to get on the earlier flight like I had hoped, and with very little sleep the night before, I crashed when I finally made it to NY. I will definitely get this done today at the hotel though and keep you posted! Time to beat - 3:03 :) Should be interesting on my ankle, but I will get through it!
    I know working out at home is definitely not motivating, but I think it helps just to move a little bit! And I know that when you are studying all day like you are, you need the mental break from the stress.

  2. I know...breaks are good. I am taking more frequent short breaks. Maybe two 5 minute breaks an hour. That time was horrible! Wish I would have done better. I think that a shot of vodka also helps with the mental stress! Hehe...

  3. Loved it, Amy! Awesome job at this WOD--love the name. :) I'm glad you took Sandy's advice and took the break. Did it charge you up? Haha, that sucks how hard it was to sub a pillow for an abmat, yikes! I would have just not used anything for the situps. Hope your test went well!! I'm sure you kicked tush! And I'm glad you've been taking short breaks. I think I need to do that, too, just to keep my sanity. I'm on day two of this class and HATE it already. It's just because I'm a control freak when it comes to academia, so right now, I'm freaking because I feel I have very little, if any, control over my progress. Once I find a student to work with for my case study, though, I will relax, somewhat. :) Keep up the awesome work, Amy! You're inspiring. Take care and see you soon!!

  4. I don't know about charging me up. I think it just made me feel bad that I didn't do so great. It was hard to use the pillow! I may have to go and buy an abmat in case I can't get to the gym as much when the fall semester begins. I totally understand about being a control freak. You are talking to the Queen right here! But only when it comes to school work!

  5. Seriously, I cannot tell you how important it is to take breaks! It makes SUCH a difference! When I was constantly travelling for work (Mondays-Friday, week after week) and working 8am to 11pm, and trying to figure out new software that I had never used, and implement a project under a tight deadline for a get the idea..I was SOO the point of wanting to cry everyday..not eating well, sleeping much, or working out. I remember Tyler used to tell me that I HAD to get to the gym, even if it was just for 20 minutes, because I needed to take a break from that work, move a little, and allow my head to clear. Then, when I came back to it, I would be able to focus and do better.
    It's always hard to see when you have so much to do and you're stressed, but it really does help mentally and physically keep you going!
    Let's try to work in some more at-home wod's for you :) If you want, we can even meet up sometime by your place and do something, since all of my wod's are subs now anyways...
