Saturday, June 6, 2009

What's The Price To Pay For Glory

WOD for 6-5-2009


Rest 5 Minutes:
KB swings

Snatch...still my least favorite lift. I am improving though. I did get a 5# PR. I probably could have done more, but I was really wanting to work on my form. I am still having problems landing in the bottom position of the overhead squat. But I would drop as far as I could, and go down until I hit the bottom position of the overhead squat, hold it for a few seconds, and then come back up.

Working Set:

I know that 55# isn't that much weight, but I would much rather get good form and gradually increase weight.

For the Met Con...we actually did this Met Con back on 2-19-2009. My time last time was 8:42 with the 26# KB. This time, my time was 8:33 with the 35# KB! So, not only did I increase in weight, but my time was faster! FTW!!! Burpees still suck, but I get through them no matter how ugly they look!

On another note...I was bored yesterday at, I had one of the techs do an EKG on me. Well, my resting heart rate is in the 40s. Normal heart rate is between 60-100. So, this means that my heart is much stronger than it was in the past. My heart rate last year would usually run in the 70s-80s. So, thanks to Crossfit, my heart is pumping strong and being tons more efficient! Which is good because, I only get one heart...and I kinda want to keep this one for a while.

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: egg white omelet, 1/2c yogurt, 1c pineapple, 5 walnuts, 3 almonds
Lunch: Salad, tortilla crusted chicken (took the breading off and just ate the chicken), mixed vegetables, 2 tablespoons almond butter
Dinner: Chicken sandwich from Chick-Fila (minus the bread), salad, 9 pecans, 1 tablespoon almond butter
Total Water Intake: 1.5L

Currently Listening to: "What It Is To Burn" by Finch


  1. That's so awesome about your resting heart rate, Amy! I go to the doctor in a few weeks and am anxious to see if there are any improvements in my vitals, as well as in my blood work. Will post it on my blog! :)

  2. Can't wait to see what your heart rate is! Crossfit works...bottom line!
