Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bend and Fold

WOD 2-3-09


Weighted Pull Ups:

This was my first workout to see how much I could do on thrusters. Overall, I feel like I did well. I am still having problems staying tight at the bottom of my squat, as I am leaning forward when I start to come up from the squat. I am getting better at keeping the weight on my heels, which I am glad to see that improvement.

15# (bar) x 10
25# x 5
30# x 3
35# x 1
40# x 1
45# x 1
55# x 1
65# x 1
70# x 1
75# x 1 (PR)
80# fail

After thrusters, it was time for the weighted pull ups. Since I can't do a pull up without a band, it was band progression.

Pull Ups:
Green Band x 1
Blue Band x 1
Red Band: fail...tried several times, and every time I was about 1-2 inches away from the bar.

I was frustrated that I couldn't get the pull up with the red band. However, like Koy points out, I couldn't do a band pull up two weeks ago, and now I can. Progress is progress. And I will get to practice my pull ups with tonight's WOD.

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: 1/2 egg white omelet (with ham, cheese, and tomatoes), 4 pieces of bacon, 1/2c pineapple
Snack: 1 pint of blackberries
Lunch: small salad, 1 tablespoon peanut butter
Dinner: salad with sunflower seeds and grilled chicken
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "Paper Dolls" by SouthFM

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