WOD for 2-9-2009
With a partner (Meredith), complete:
5 Rounds, for time of:
Deadlift, 5 reps
7 Box Jumps
40m Sprint
**Each partner rests while the other completes a full round, until both partners complete a full 5 rounds**
TIME: 7:38
This was a fun workout! I had so much fun with this one. We used 115# for the deadlift. This was one of the heavier weights that I have used in a workout like this. I think next time, we can bump it up, as long as the reps are low. Box jumps, well, need a lot of work. I started out doing 3 box jumps each round, and then finished it out doing box steps. Still not confident doing these, because I have problems getting my knees up to where I don't feel like I am going to trip or fall or some unrealistic fear. The sprints weren't bad. I am fine on the short sprints, but longer runs is where I get in trouble.
Worked at the college yesterday. Nice for a change of pace from the hospital. Got to go home and see the parents last night, and played the Wii....always fun!
I even got a double work out yesterday! My mom attends this Zumba dance class. Which is just an hour of constant moving and "dancing". I can't dance to save my life, but it's still fun to try to do the latin dances.
Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: didn't eat, was too tired from the workout...I know, not good
Lunch: 3 slices of turkey, handful of almonds, and blackberries
Dinner: Chicken stir fry that stepdad made, with carrots and broccoli
After dinner snack: 1 scoop vanilla ice cream with pecans (it's a mom and me thing, only do it when I go home to see my mom)
Total Water Intake: 1.5L (Need to increase this back to at least 2L)
Currently Listening to: "Sam's Town" by The Killers.
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