Friday, February 27, 2009

Here At The Top of The World

WOD for 2-26-2009

Overhead Squat

Tabata Row

So, this was my first workout to test my range on overhead squats. When I've done these in past workouts, I have had problems keeping my lumbar curve at the bottom of the squat. I really feel like I improved yesterday. I lost it a couple of times, and I couldn't finish my last set of 5. As Koy pointed out, I was taking my body to a new limit that it hasn't been to before. This is probably the hardest lift for me.

45-50-50-55-65 (only got 2 reps with the 65#)

Tabata Row: Averaged 97m/20 seconds. This was fun! Tyler, rocked it out on the rowing. He averaged 131m/20 seconds...I was super impressed!

I got to the gym early, and worked on handstands and pull ups. I did 30 seconds of handstands, and then 10 pull ups. Did this 5 times. I am still using the green band, but they are getting easier. I still haven't strung 10 pull ups together in a row, but I was taking 5 at a time and making sure that they were perfect.

Diet for Yesterday:
Breakfast: Again didn't eat....wasn't hungry....likely due to the fact that I was eating practically all night to stay awake...but at least it was healthy!!
Lunch: Cheat meal with mom. 1/2 deli chicken breast sandwhich with a cup of baked potato soup.
Dinner: Two slices of turkey, 5 strawberries, and sunflower seeds.
Total Water Intake: 1.5L

Also of note, I only had 3 hours sleep since I was working a night shift. While I understand that I really do need more sleep, I didn't have much of a choice. Working the night shift, getting off at 6AM, and then having to be back to work at 6AM the following day is rough. I don't recommend anyone doing this.

Currently listening to: "Cold Cash And Colder Hearts" by Thrice

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