Saturday, May 30, 2009

Twisting and Contorting

WOD for 5-29-2009

Power Cleans

3 100m shuttle runs

Power stuff! I had a great time setting a new PR with these. I didn't remember a previous PR, so I didn't really have much of an idea of what I needed to get to. It was also nice to get to work with Spencer. Don't really get to see him much since I normally go to the night classes. Also, it was sooo great to get to lift with Lindsey again! I really do miss working out with you!

Working Set:
53-63-73-83-93- 103 x 1!

I did an extra lift. Once I got to 93, I really wanted to see if I could get over 100. I was able to get 103# once, but then I couldn't finish out the set. I am really excited about the 103#!

Shuttle Runs:

Later last night, I went out with Sandy and Carrie to a pole dancing class! Wow...very fun, but challenging! My legs are a little bruised behind my knees from holding onto the pole. I was better than I thought. The teacher even told me that I moved really well. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing that I could work the pole, but oh well! I think I may take another class. We will see how my schedule works out.

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: 1 flaxseed, whole wheat waffle, with sugar free syrup, scrambled egg whites, 1/2c blueberries, 1 tablespoon almond butter
Lunch: 3 slices of turkey, 6 almonds, 5 baby carrots
Dinner: Chicken Deli breast sandwhich, (only half of the wheat bread), 9 almonds
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "Forget to Remember" by Mudvayne

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Seasons Have Changed and So Have We

WOD for 5-26-2009

400m run
21 KB swings
12 pull ups

One of my favorite workouts. When I first saw this, I was excited, until I realized that it was going to 101 outside...ugg.... And by the time that the workout started, I was anxious. But I like the anxiety feeling. It makes me want to do better and work harder. I used the 35# KB for the first two rounds and had to switch for the 3rd round. Green band for pull ups. Time overall was not the best. But, for the first time, I felt pretty good doing the runs. During the KB swings on the second round, I was having a hard time catching my breath. I guess that is what an asthmatic feels like. I have been battling some morning cough and congestion, so that may have played into it. Or the fact that I hadn't really eaten since 8 that morning. That could have played into it.

Time: 16:00

Again, not too happy with the time, but I increased in KB weight for 1/2 the workout, so I am happy about that. Pull ups overall were easier. The third round still kills me because my arms get tired. But that's the point of the workout.

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: 1/4c eggs (not much left in the lounge), 2 pieces of bacon, 1/2c yogurt
Lunch: 1c strawberries (unintentional fast, due to work being busy at lunch and not getting a break, and I forgot my back up protein. Not liking the fast thing, makes me grumpy!)
Dinner: 1 sweet potato, 4 chicken strips cooked in olive oil, 1c milk with 1 tablespoon protein powder, 1c strawberries, 1 peach
Total Water Intake: 1.5L

Currently Listening to: "The Ice Is Getting Thinner" By Death Cab For Cutie

Monday, May 25, 2009

Worth Everything I May Ever Be

WOD for 5-24-2009

Shoulder Press

I used to hate doing shoulder press. Probably because it was one of my weaker lifts. But I was pretty pumped to do this. I took my time and had a nice long warm up. Worked a little on pull ups. I am getting about half way up on the kipping pull up. I will eventually get it. Just takes time.

Working set looked like:
40-45-50-55-60-65 x 3

I probably could have finished the set of 65#, but I paused when I brought the bar back to my chest, and that messed everything up. Next time, I plan on getting at least 75# five times! After the Press, I did 100 ab mat sit ups for time. Time: 4:30. I really do want to start incorporating this into my schedule at least 3 times a week.

Yesterday, I was being nosey and was eavesdropping on some coworkers and they were talking about diet. One guy is on this crazy weird diet where all he eats is some kind of vegetable soup, salad and can only have beef two times a week. (I didn't get all the details, but this is what I was overhearing). He has been eating this for a couple of weeks, and was like "I haven't lost any weight". So, I pipe up and ask him "How much are you exercising?". To which he replied, none. So, I was like, that's your problem. You aren't exercising. But then he was like, "Well, with this diet you are supposed to lose weight and not have to exercise. (Now, he isn't too overweight, just has a few extra pounds from drinking and smoking) I am only consuming about 100 calories with this soup...yadda yadda..." Ok, so seriously, who has ever heard of a weight loss program that does not include exercise? To lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume. Plain and simple. Even if you consume less calories than your Resting Metabolic Rate, that will not lead to weight loss. Or if it does lead to weight loss, it is unhealthy weight loss and your body will go into starvation mode and this will be counter productive. Actually, I have had this converstation with him in the past, and he just seems to blow off my suggestions and everything I have learned from CrossFit.

CrossFit works! Plain and simple. I have seen results. My scrubs fit differently, I have more energy (well, most days I do, depends on my sleep), but just overall, I feel like I am a healthier person. I have not only made new friends, but I have a CrossFit family. This type of community can not be found at 24 Hour Fitness or any place like that!

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: 1/2c granola (with protein powder added in), 1/2c milk, strawberries, 2 strips of turkey bacon, 4 almonds
Lunch: 3 ounces of chicken, 7 strawberries, 8 almonds
Dinner: 3 slices of turkey, small salad, sunflower seeds, 1 peach
Total Water Intake: 1.5L

Currently Listening to: "Ghost Love Score" by Nightwish

Friday, May 22, 2009

My Spirits Evokin’

WOD for 5-21-2009

"Tabata Something Else"

Pull Ups
Push Ups
Sit Ups

This was my first time to do this WOD. It doesn't sound too bad from looking at it, but is exhausting! And I am only talking about after the first tabata! Pull ups were done with the Green band. Yes, I can do blue band pull ups, but I have only done the blue band in a couple of WODs, and it was better for me to get more reps. Didn't get that many...arms for some reason just didn't want to work. Push ups were done on knees. I am feeling better about push ups though. It is getting easier to do them. By the time that I got to the squats, my whole body was tingling. I am not quite sure how some of the guys could crank out 100+ on the squats. My legs were killing me by the 4th round!

I actually had a day off where I didn't have ANYTHING planned. It was nice! I went and worked out with the noon crew! It was great getting to workout with Jamie! Thank you so much girl for pushing me on the squats. I really appreciate the help!

Pull Ups: 52
Push Ups: 72
Sit Ups: 70
Squats: 73

Obviously lots of room for improvement. But I am happy with my starting numbers. Now I know which areas I can really improve in!

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: egg white omelet, 1/2c strawberries, 6 almonds
Lunch: 1 glass of milk with protein powder, almonds, 3 slices of turkey
Dinner: baked chicken, 8 cherries, salad
Total Water Intake: 1.5L

Currently Listening to: "The Band Marches On" by Ghostland Observatory

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Just Want to Sparkle For A Moment

WOD for 5-20-2009

Power Snatch: 75 reps

I was pretty excited about this WOD. I need to work on my snatch form, and this was a great WOD to work on it! I used 40# for the workout. I felt pretty good about the weight. Surprisingly, the reps and the time went by so quickly! I think that I did well with the workout. I almost did it Rx'd, and finished with a time of 6:38!

I am loving having counters! After the workout, I ran the warm up with Sandy, and we talked about counters. I completely agree that having a supportive counter can affect your WOD. Ronnie was my counter, and he really motivated me to go faster and faster. Thanks Ronnie for the motivation!

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: egg white omelet, 1 apple, 9 almonds
Lunch: Salad, mixed vegetables, 1/2 wheat roll, sunflower seeds
Dinner: Baked chicken, strawberries, almond butter
Total Water Intake: 1.5L

Currently Listening to: "Be Gentle With Me" by Boy Least Likely To

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This Is Going To Bring Me To My Knees

WOD for 5-19-2009

15 minutes, AMRAP:
10 med ball cleans
10 burpees

Nice "fun" met con workout. I used the 10# medicine ball. This is actually a lot harder than it looks. By the third round, my quads were killing me! I could feel the burn! Burpees still suck! When it was done, it is such a great feeling when your muscles are burning and you feel like you can barely stand. I love it! I only managed to get 6 full rounds plus 10 cleans and 4 burpees. Next time, I will do better!

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: 1/2c oatmeal, blackberries, 8 almonds
Lunch: chicken with avocado salsa, salad, 9 almonds
Dinner: baked chicken, 2 TBSP almond butter, 1/2c strawberries, salad, , 2 slices of cucumber
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "She Is" by The Fray

Sunday, May 17, 2009

We Gon' Party Like it's Yo Birthday

WOD for 5-17-2009

Back Squat
Shoulder Press

So...24....not too much different than 23. I am loving where I am at in my life. I have been accepted into TWU nursing school, Class of 2011! (I should probably start studying....) I have amazing friends and a great family. I am truely blessed!!

I couldn't think of any better way to begin my new year than with doing the CrossFit Total. I remember the first time I did CrossFit Total. It was my 2nd ever CrossFit workout. I was so incredibly sore and in so much pain. I had done Angie on my first day..well, I take that back, I only did 1/2 Angie, but I was still sooo sore! Besides being sore, I was soo intimidated walking into that 6PM class. It was huge! And by huge, I think there were 15. I hadn't done lifting since high school, and I was going to be the weakest one these. I do remember getting to lift with Jamie and Lindsey and how they put me at ease. For most of this workout, Sam had me use the PVC pipe to work on form. (That got old real quick...I wanted to know my starting weights so I could improve!!) So, here were my numbers from that night:

Back Squat: 55# (felt I could have done more, but didn't push it so I could get the form down)
Shoulder Press: 35#
Deadlift: 105#
CF Total: 195#

The next time that CrossFit total came up was about a month later, just before Christmas. Diet had improved and was attending CrossFit at least 3 times a week. Even after just a short time doing CrossFit, I knew I was getting stronger. So, I was very excited to see some results!

Back Squat: 95#
Shoulder Press: 55#
Deadlift: 175#
CF Total: 325#

Such an improvement over the last one! This was very encouraging before going into the Christmas Holidays!

Over the next few months, there were new PR's set for all 3 of this lifts. Just never with the CrossFit Total. I set a 3 rep PR for back squat on 4-23-09 of 130#. Hadn't had a chance to do shoulder press since December, but did plenty of variations of the press. favorite lift...probably my favorite since it is my strongest lift. Deadlift on 3-25-2009 was 205#. I jsut finished reading that blog, and I was looking at attitude for that day. I had hit a mental block. Started calculating the weight and doubting myself. I got the 205#, but it was such a struggle.

On to today's WOD. Dun dun we go.
Back Squat: Was pretty excited about this. I figured if I could do 130# three times, I could easily do 150# once right? So, that was my goal for the back squat.

Working set:
135#-155#-165# (PR by 35#!!!!)

Shoulder Press: Obviously one of my weaker lifts. It doesn't take much to tax out the shoulders. And to be honest, I was just hoping to get 65# on the shoulder press.

Working Set:
65#-75#(fail)-70#-75# (PR by 20#!)

Things to note with this lift. Not quite sure how I started off the working set with more than my one rep max. Probably had to do with the two guys I was working out with. Hit a mental block on the second attempt. So, I went down 5#, got that easily, and then attempted 75# again. Funny thing is, the second time I tried it, I got with no problem.

Deadlift: Was looking forward to this, yet dreading it at the same time. Flashbacks to 4-23 kept popping into my head. I so didn't want to fail, yet, I wanted to improve. First lift, rounded out my back. Grr...and it was fairly light, 175#. Next left, 185#. This should have been 200#, but I got scared. Third lift, I was victorious...a new PR! And funny thing, the weight wasn't that bad!

Working Set:
175#-185#-225# (Oh yeah...a brand spankin' new PR on deadlift. I had them put two 45# plates on each side, walked up to the bar, pulled the weight, and THEN calculated how much I lifted!)

CrossFit Total 5-17-2009=465#!!!

What a great birthday present to myself. Over these past few months, look how far I have come! By no means, is this as great of numbers like Mel, Dee, and Linda put up, but I'm working on it. I will get there. On another note, I had set a goal of 500# CrossFit total by the end of this year....looks like that goal will be met fairly soon!!

Diet for the weekend:
AMAZING!! Let see...there were fajitas, margaritas, red-headed sluts, rum and coke, sangria, Spanish Toast.....and even with eating horribly...I still managed to put up great numbers. But birthday is over. However, I couldn't have thought of a better way to end my birthday than with a great performance!

Currently Listening to: "In Da Club" by 50 Cent

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Testament to Old and New

WOD for 5-14-2009

1000m row
50 Thrusters
30 Pull ups

Jackie...what can I say about Jackie...this was a workout that I did months ago when I first began Crossfit. I did this on 11-10-2008, exactly one week after I joined CrossFit. I remember doing this with Spencer at the 7AM class. I was thinking, am I even going to make it through the 1000m row, let alone finish the thrusters and pull ups. Somehow, I made it through the row without dying. On to the Thrusters....this was my first time to do thrusters. And lets just say, my form was horrid. I could barely do the 15# bar without falling forward. So, Spencer switched me to the PVC pipe...kinda embarrassing that I couldn't even do the 15# bar. I eventually finished the thrusters, and then on to pull ups. On this day, they were jumping pull ups.

Fast Forward to May 14th, 2009. I don't know if I was excited to do this workout, but curious to see how far I had progressed. I did a good job on the row! I did the 1000m in 4:15, which is faster than I have ever done in previous attempts. In fact, the last time I did a 1000m row for time I finished in 5:25. So, I shaved a minute off my time. Woo hoo! Ah...the thrusters...this one killed me. Or maybe it was the row that killed me. I took forever on the thrusters. Here is where I hit my mental block. Damn thrusters. But I used the 33# bar. So, obviously, big improvement from the PVC pipe. Pull ups, I wanted to use the blue band, but ended up sticking with the Green band. My arms were so tired, and felt like Jello on the pull ups. I did finish. Thank you Georgia and Koy for all the help. I really needed it, especially when I hit my mental block. Crossfit is 90% mental, and 10% physical.

Time on 11-10-2008: 12:45
Time on 5-14-2009: 15:10

Even with a slower time, I feel like this was a win. Everything improved from the previous Jackie. Next time, I will get a much better time, and I won't hit that block.

Diet for Yesterday:
Breakfast: 1c oatmeal, 1/2c pineapple, 6 almonds, 4 strawberries, 1 piece of bacon
Lunch: grilled chicken breast, salad, sweet potatoe fries
Dinner: grilled chicken, salad with mixed veggies, 1/2 c blackberries, 7 peanuts, 4 almonds, and 3 pecans
Total Water Intake: 1.5L

Currently Listening to: "Even Born Again" by Sara Jaffe

Thursday, May 14, 2009

If You Only Knew

WOD for 5-13-2009

Front Squat

Met Con:
5 Rounds of:
10 Pistols
10 Ball Slam to Box Jump (holding the ball)

Was not in the proper midset for Crossfit yesterday. Hence my horrible performance. Lifting weights in 90% mental. And I didn't have the mindset. Front Squat, form was crap. Lets just be honest. I knew at 95# that when I went up to 100#, it wasn't going to be good. I should have listened to that internal voice and stopped, but no, I am stubborn, and did 100#. My back rounded, and it just wasn't good. I did get 3 at 100#, but it was the worst form anyone has ever seen.

Working sets were:

The MetCon....pistols were done using a green band. Ball Slams, used the 10# ball, and the small box. Couldn't see the box, so I did box steps. Again, the mental aspect of Crossfit wasn't there. Time was slow, enough said

Time: 10:28

Here is what I am wondering, is it better to go to CrossFit and have a bad day, or just not go at all? I missed the day before due to a friend having a personal crisis, and needing to be there for a friend. So, that is an added stress in my life, and being woken up all during the night by my friend's cell phone going off. I am wondering if I did more harm than good? I can honestly not think of one positive thing that I did in the workout yesterday. It was just a bad day all around.

Diet For Yesterday:
Breakfast: 1/2c oatmeal, 3 pieces of bacon, 6 almonds, 5 strawberries
Lunch: turkey burger minus the bun, (actually it was more like turkey wrapped in lettuce), 9 peanuts, blackberries, 1/2 chocolate chip cookie
Dinner: Salad, 7 almonds, sun flower seeds, and 2 bites of ice cream (told you it was a bad day)
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "If You Only Knew" by Shinedown

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wrote the book on Pain

WOD for 5-11-2009

8 hang power snatch, unbroken
8 handstand push-ups, unbroken
15 double unders, unbroken

Last night was fun! Ok, a lot more fun when I finished than when I was actually doing the workout. Went to the first 5PM class! I like it! It looks like it will be smaller than the 6PM, which is great! The one thing that I will miss will be Lindsey and Sandy! You guys are great! You push me farther than I think I can push myself. I may have to drop in the 6PM every now and then.

So, for the workout...hang power snatch. If I had to pick any snatch movement, I would pick this one. I think that this one really helps me work on my snatch form, which is by far my weakest lift. The point of this workout was to do everything unbroken. We warmed up, and looking back on the workout, I could have done more. Sam and I decided to use 35# as a weight that I could manage without dropping the bar. I did manage it, but when I got finished, Sam told me that since I finished so quickly that I needed to use heavier weight next time. For the HSPU's, I used the "prison-shower-push ups". Now, if you have not seen these, these are a sight to see! You put your feet on a box, pike your butt up in the air, and then do a push up. Feels awkward, and I bet it is hilarious to watch all of these people, lined up against the wall with their butts in the air....glad that no one caught that on a picture. For the double unders, I used the vertical jumping sub. (Like this one way better than tuck jumps, would rather do 2X the number of jumps with the vertical jumps than single tuck jumps).

I was really happy that I was able to do this work out unbroken! A good way to start the week!

Time for WOD: 9:18

Diet for Yesterday:
Breakfast: Bagel (a friend bought it for me when I got to work, it was delicious, but regretted it at the workout), 2 egg whites, 5 strawberries
Lunch: 2 slices of turkey, 9 almonds, 4 baby carrots (wasn't very hungry at lunch)
Dinner: baked chicken, salad with sunflower seeds, mixed veggies, 1/2 c blackberries
Total Water Intake: 1.5L

Currently Listening to: "The Sound of Madness" by Shinedown

Friday, May 8, 2009

I've Done the Best I Can

WOD for 5-7-2009


Woo hoo for weight lifting days! My face lights up every time I look at the website and it says anything with one rep max! These workouts let me know if I am improving and by how much. Before going to the gym, you have to know what your last PR was. On 2/3/09, my one rep max ws 75#. I tried 80#, but failed. So tonight, 7 tries for a new PR.

Working set:

So tonight....just me and the bar. I am standing there looking at it, and I won't lie, had some doubts when I got up the higher weights. But here I am, looking at this bright shiny bar. Sam had me start off my working set at 53#. I was thinking, ok...a little higher than I would have started, but ok. I do it, easy. Sam then says, ok 2 greens. Alright, 20 more pounds, not too bad. Definitely heavier, but doable. 83#...a little heavier than 73#. At this point, I am like...woo hoo! New PR, and I am only on my 3rd rep. Alright, so lets go up to 93#. I got was a struggle, but fuck yeah, I got 93#! Next was the 103#...I go down for my squat, and then come up for the push press...and only got it halfway up. Fail. :( Sam saw me get down. But he kept encouarging me. So, I dropped to 98#. I try this weight...and Fail. I think this one was mental. I really do. I got nervous and started thinking what would happen if I failed. So, by me overthinking things, I failed. on to my 7th attempt. Sam had me drop to 93#. Which I got. It would have been embarrassing if I didn't get it, since I already got it once. I thought that this was where the workout was going to end. But no, Sam was like, ok put these one pound weights on. I think he knew that I was hoping for a nice 20# increase. So, I try 95#....ah! So close. The bar is eye level and it just isn't going anywhere. So, I rack it, and Sam lets me have one more try. So, I take a few deep breaths...and approach the bar. Not even realizing it, I did a jerk somewhere on the way up. And even though I DID get the weight over head after a front squat, somewhere technique went awry. But overall, I felt great about this workout. Even with 3.5 fails (yeah, I am stubborn, and want some small credit for getting the 95# over my head), I felt amazing. An official 18# PR! Fuck yes! I will take it, and I am so happy. I am getting stronger, and it is showing in the numbers!

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: an amazing egg white omelet with some vegetables, 1 piece of bacon, 1/2c pineapple, 6 almonds
Lunch: some kind of pork, salad, sweet potato, 1/2c blackberries, 3 almonds
Dinner: baked chicken, 7 pecans, 1c strawberries
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "Second Chance" by Shinedown

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nothing Was As Bad As You Thought It Was

WOD for 5-6-2009

10 Rounds for Time:
10 ring dips
10 pull ups

Seeing this workout on the website I could feel pain in my hands, and I hadn't done anything yet. I knew I could do it, I just didn't know how long it would take me especially with this whole new Chest to Bar thing. I can do a few chest to bar, but 100? I began by using the blue band. That lasted one whole round. Then I switched to the Green Band....and that lasted a whole one round. So, I did the last 8 rounds with the green and blue band. By using two bands, it makes me feel like I am going backwards in my progress. Sure, if we only had to do 30 pull ups, I probably could have just used the Green band after doing ring dips. But after a few rounds, my arms were shot. And it wasn't going to be getting any easier. Granted, with CrossFit, I guess you don't want things to be too easy or you wouldn't get a good workout. I couldn't move my arms for an hour after this workout. Driving is a challenge when your arms feel like jello.

Something that I do like that we are adding to the workouts is a partner or a counter. Sandy, you helped push me through this workout. There was a few times, like around Round 7 and 8, that I really wanted to stop. But I didn't. You really helped keep me motivated and gave me the strength to finish!

Diet for Yesterday:
Breakfast: egg whites, 1 piece of bacon, strawberries, 6 almonds
Lunch: Salad, 3 pieces of chicken with some kind of thick sauce (very tasty, but not sure if it was Zone approved), 2 pieces of ham, 1/2 c sweet potato, 4 almonds
Dinner: 3 pieces of turky, an orange, 7 cashews, glass of milk
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "Smile For the Camera" by Armor For Sleep

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just Like the Crow Chasing the Butterfly

WOD for 5-5-2009

Overhead Squats

5 minute plank hold

Of all of the squats that we do, OHS is my weakest. When we did OHS a few months ago, I was able to get 65# two times. Sam said that with doing 15 reps and not being able to put the bar down, that I would probably not be able to reach my max.

Working set looked like this:
25-30-35 (f-10)-40(f-10)-45 (all 15!)

I am actually sad that I failed at 35# and 40#. While doing the OHS my arms would start to go numb and then I would get a sharp pain in my right arm. The numbness/tingling doesn't bother me. I figure that is part of the OHS for some reason. Or, maybe that's not normal. When I would get the sharp pain is when I had to drop the bar. It wasn't because of the weight was too much. Although, on that last set of took a lot for me to not drop the bar. But thanks to Mel#2...I was able to finish with her encouragement.

CFDC is adding a new class...5PM!!! I am really excited about this. The 6PM class, if not the biggest class, but for sure one of the biggest classes. It's great that we have so many people coming, but when we have something like OHS or Snatch or any movement that some people may require extra coaching. Hopefully by adding the 5PM class we can make the classes a little smaller so that we all get the coaching that we need. Personally, I am excited for the 5PM class. I plan on attending it as much as possible. I like the idea of being able to get home earlier, and get to bed earlier!

Speaking of getting to bed earlier...I went to bed at 8:15 last night! Wow...and I really needed the sleep! Waking up at 5AM today was so easy and I felt refreshed for the first time in a while. Just goes to show how important sleep is when doing CrossFit!

Diet for Yesterday:
Breakfast: egg white omelet, apple, 6 almonds, 1/2 bagel
Lunch: Salad, baked chicken, 4 cucumber slices, sunflower seeds, handful of carrots
Dinner: 4 slices of turkey, 8 pecans, 1/2 cup blackberries, glass of milk (with added protein powder)
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "The Crow & The Butterfly" by Shinedown

Saturday, May 2, 2009

You'll Make It Through, Just Keep Holding On

WOD for 5-1-2009

For time:
800m run
30 Ring Push-Ups
30 Hip Extensions
30 Dumbbell Push-Press
400m run
20 Ring Push-Ups
20 Hip Extensions
20 Dumbbell Push-Press
200m run
10 Ring Push-Ups
10 Hip Extensions
10 Dumbbell Push-Press

Holy cow! So, I saw this workout...and was like this is not going to be fun! Even though I didn't want to go, I went. I was the only girl in the class...which is cool, but then it is hard. I did parallette push ups for the sub on the first round. The hip extensions were easy! And for the push press, 20# DB. The first round was a killer! Second round...not so much...the third can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I did finish the workout! It was great to have the guys cheering me on even though they finished minutes ahead of me. Koy...I really do appreciate you pushing me to get sub 20. I needed it! I am so lucky to work out with such an amazing group of people.

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: egg white omelet, 1 apple, 6 almonds
Lunch: 4 slices of turkey, 2 tablespoons almond butter with apple slices
Dinner: 4 ounces of chicken, salad, strawberries, 12 peanuts
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "All if Forgiven" by Default

Friday, May 1, 2009

I'm Working It Out, I'm Working

WOD for 4-28-2009

3 rounds for time:

10 Clean and Jerk
15 Ring Dips
20 Kettlebell Swings

When I first looked at this workout at work, I thought that it was going to be a lot of fun....boy was I wrong! During the first set of ring dips...I realized that this was not a fun workout. I liked everything else, but the ring dips. I used 65# for the clean and jerks! The last time I did clean and jerks was back on 3-10-09, and I did 50# nine times. A 15# increase is a huge bonus in my book! Used Green band for the ring dips. For the KB swings, I did the prescibed weight for girls which was 35#! Woo hoo! Another small victory...I'll take it! Thanks Kat, Sandy, and Koy for cheering me on..I really needed it during that last set. My arms were like jello!

Had an interesting conversation with my little brother this day. He finds it funny that I am doing all of this CrossFit stuff. He says that he can't imagine me lifting all of this weight and working as hard as I have been. I can't wait to bring him to the gym one day, and totally kick his butt at Helen or Fran!! It will be a sight to see!

Breakfast: Egg white omelet, 2 pieces of bacon, 1/2c pineapple
Lunch: Tilapia, Salad, 1/4c rice pilaf, 8 almonds
Dinner: baked chicken, salad with mixed vegetables, sunflower seeds
Snack: strawberries, blackberries, almonds
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "Banquet" by Bloc Party