WOD for 5-1-2009
For time:
800m run
30 Ring Push-Ups
30 Hip Extensions
30 Dumbbell Push-Press
400m run
20 Ring Push-Ups
20 Hip Extensions
20 Dumbbell Push-Press
200m run
10 Ring Push-Ups
10 Hip Extensions
10 Dumbbell Push-Press
Holy cow! So, I saw this workout...and was like this is not going to be fun! Even though I didn't want to go, I went. I was the only girl in the class...which is cool, but then it is hard. I did parallette push ups for the sub on the first round. The hip extensions were easy! And for the push press, 20# DB. The first round was a killer! Second round...not so much...the third round...you can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I did finish the workout! It was great to have the guys cheering me on even though they finished minutes ahead of me. Koy...I really do appreciate you pushing me to get sub 20. I needed it! I am so lucky to work out with such an amazing group of people.
Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: egg white omelet, 1 apple, 6 almonds
Lunch: 4 slices of turkey, 2 tablespoons almond butter with apple slices
Dinner: 4 ounces of chicken, salad, strawberries, 12 peanuts
Total Water Intake: 2L
Currently Listening to: "All if Forgiven" by Default
Wish I could have been there for the girl power effect!!! You did a great job getting under 20!
ReplyDeleteI wish you could have been there too! I could have used your help!!!