WOD for 5-17-2009
Back Squat
Shoulder Press
So...24....not too much different than 23. I am loving where I am at in my life. I have been accepted into TWU nursing school, Class of 2011! (I should probably start studying....) I have amazing friends and a great family. I am truely blessed!!
I couldn't think of any better way to begin my new year than with doing the CrossFit Total. I remember the first time I did CrossFit Total. It was my 2nd ever CrossFit workout. I was so incredibly sore and in so much pain. I had done Angie on my first day..well, I take that back, I only did 1/2 Angie, but I was still sooo sore! Besides being sore, I was soo intimidated walking into that 6PM class. It was huge! And by huge, I think there were 15. I hadn't done lifting since high school, and I was going to be the weakest one these. I do remember getting to lift with Jamie and Lindsey and how they put me at ease. For most of this workout, Sam had me use the PVC pipe to work on form. (That got old real quick...I wanted to know my starting weights so I could improve!!) So, here were my numbers from that night:
Back Squat: 55# (felt I could have done more, but didn't push it so I could get the form down)
Shoulder Press: 35#
Deadlift: 105#
CF Total: 195#
The next time that CrossFit total came up was about a month later, just before Christmas. Diet had improved and was attending CrossFit at least 3 times a week. Even after just a short time doing CrossFit, I knew I was getting stronger. So, I was very excited to see some results!
Back Squat: 95#
Shoulder Press: 55#
Deadlift: 175#
CF Total: 325#
Such an improvement over the last one! This was very encouraging before going into the Christmas Holidays!
Over the next few months, there were new PR's set for all 3 of this lifts. Just never with the CrossFit Total. I set a 3 rep PR for back squat on 4-23-09 of 130#. Hadn't had a chance to do shoulder press since December, but did plenty of variations of the press. Deadlift...my favorite lift...probably my favorite since it is my strongest lift. Deadlift on 3-25-2009 was 205#. I jsut finished reading that blog, and I was looking at attitude for that day. I had hit a mental block. Started calculating the weight and doubting myself. I got the 205#, but it was such a struggle.
On to today's WOD. Dun dun dun....here we go.
Back Squat: Was pretty excited about this. I figured if I could do 130# three times, I could easily do 150# once right? So, that was my goal for the back squat.
Working set:
135#-155#-165# (PR by 35#!!!!)
Shoulder Press: Obviously one of my weaker lifts. It doesn't take much to tax out the shoulders. And to be honest, I was just hoping to get 65# on the shoulder press.
Working Set:
65#-75#(fail)-70#-75# (PR by 20#!)
Things to note with this lift. Not quite sure how I started off the working set with more than my one rep max. Probably had to do with the two guys I was working out with. Hit a mental block on the second attempt. So, I went down 5#, got that easily, and then attempted 75# again. Funny thing is, the second time I tried it, I got with no problem.
Deadlift: Was looking forward to this, yet dreading it at the same time. Flashbacks to 4-23 kept popping into my head. I so didn't want to fail, yet, I wanted to improve. First lift, rounded out my back. Grr...and it was fairly light, 175#. Next left, 185#. This should have been 200#, but I got scared. Third lift, I was victorious...a new PR! And funny thing, the weight wasn't that bad!
Working Set:
175#-185#-225# (Oh yeah...a brand spankin' new PR on deadlift. I had them put two 45# plates on each side, walked up to the bar, pulled the weight, and THEN calculated how much I lifted!)
CrossFit Total 5-17-2009=465#!!!
What a great birthday present to myself. Over these past few months, look how far I have come! By no means, is this as great of numbers like Mel, Dee, and Linda put up, but I'm working on it. I will get there. On another note, I had set a goal of 500# CrossFit total by the end of this year....looks like that goal will be met fairly soon!!
Diet for the weekend:
AMAZING!! Let see...there were fajitas, margaritas, red-headed sluts, rum and coke, sangria, Spanish Toast.....and even with eating horribly...I still managed to put up great numbers. But birthday is over. However, I couldn't have thought of a better way to end my birthday than with a great performance!
Currently Listening to: "In Da Club" by 50 Cent
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a satisfying way to end a great weekend! I'm glad I was able to join you Saturday; it was fun.