WOD for 3-16-2009
Hang Snatch 1 Rep
5 Rounds for Time:
75 pound Overhead Squat, 10 reps
6 Burpee-Box Jumps, 20 inch box
Grr....Snatch....my least favorite lift still. I don't know why, but this lift just makes me feel retarded. I got 45#. Spencer said to go 80% of our max for 1 rep. I think my last 1 rep max was 50#. I am still trying to get this form down.
For the second part, I used the little box for the burpee box jumps and 35# for the OHS. This was sooo exhausting. It took me 10:11 to finish....but I finished.
I went to the 6AM class....it is nice to see new faces....but I missed my 6PM'ers. I was like "I miss Lindsey!" Who is my weightlifting partner. She pushes me, and is so great for me on lifting days! Thank goodness my schedule for next month is all mornings...so I can be back with my night crew!
Breakfast: turkey bacon, whole wheat pecan pancakes
Lunch: Baked chicken breast, carrots,
Dinner: Baked chicken breast, salad, 1/2 scoop saffron rice
Total Water Intake: 1.5L
Currently Listening to: "Prayer of the Refugee" by Rise Against
Awe, I miss you at 6 pm when you go in the mornings too! We are great weight-lifting partners! See you tomorrow.