Friday, March 20, 2009

Nothing Is Real but Pain Now

WOD for 3-19-2009

"Set Hut"
Four rounds for total reps of:
Power Clean, 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
45 pounds weighted Pull-Ups, 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Burpees, 45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

What a "fun" workout. Actually, it was a lot of fun...when I was finished and at home. Went to another 6AM workout. Had to work until 7:30...ick. I missed the morning shift and my night crew! For the Power Cleans, I used 55# and for the pull ups, the Green Band. I got a total of 121 reps. Breakdown looks like this:

Round 1: 40 reps (10-19-11)
Round 2: 29 reps (10-10-9)
Round 3: 23 reps (8-8-7)
Round 4: 29 reps (11-8-10)

Round 1 was obviously my best, and round 3, by far, my worst. During the pull ups in round 2, I ripped another callous off of my left hand this stuff. So, I think that's what happened with the pull ups for the last two rounds. I was really excited about the 19 pull ups I got in the first round. That is by far the best I've done with pull ups.

Something else that I need to factor into this day, would be that my sleep was broken up. My childhood best friend came into town late...and I do mean LATE (3:30AM) this morning. She and a friend had an interview they were doing in Pampa, and then had one to do this day at 1PM. So, of course I offer up my place as any good friend would. But trying to go back to sleep and get that last 1.5 hours was difficult. But, it was only one day, and I got to see my friend. So, the trade off for broken sleep was worth it in the long run, even though it took me a while to get moving in the warm up.

Diet for Yesterday:
Breakfast: 2 blueberry flaxseed waffles with turkey bacon
Lunch/Dinner: Grilled chicken breast, 1/2 piece of cornbread (so bad, yet so good), 1/4 cup green beans. Lunch and Dinner got mixed into one because of the shift I was working, and we didn't eat until 4:30.
Snack: strawberries throughout the shift.
Total Water Intake: 1.5L...again, water intake needs to improve.

Currently Listening to: "One" by Metallica

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