Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It Could Be Something In The Air

WOD for 3-30-2009

WOD #1 with Mel
800m run
Tabata Mash Up (Box Jumps & Wall Ball)
800m run

WOD #2:
Push Jerk

Tabata Mash-Up
Front Squat, 45 pounds
Ring Push-Ups

So, week one of 2 of days with Mel. I must admit, that when she told me this, I was nervous.....because if you know me, I hate running. And I had to do 2 800m? Granted, yeah, we did 4 400's last week, but for some reason this just seemed scarier! For the box jumps I used the big box, and did step ups. Averaged about 9 for each 20 second interval. Wall balls...such a different story. I began having sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve) over the weekend. I finally got on a Medrol dose pack today, and by the time it was time for the workout, I was feeling better, but didn't want to aggrevate it. Ok, so back to the Wall Balls...I did 4 rounds with the 10# and 4 rounds with the 6#. The only reason I dropped to the 6# was I went too far foward and started to feel that sharp pain go down my thigh. Figured it was better to drop in weight than to stop. (Oh, and if my doctors found out that I was working out with sciatica, they would totally kick my butt.....but what can I say? I am addicted to CrossFit!!!)

WOD #2:
I have been looking forward to doing this for sooo long! I was eager to find my one rep max. Lindsey, Sandy and I warmed up with the 15# bar, and we were our own rack for a while! Lindsey and I eventually moved to a real rack with the guys! The one reps looked like this:
65-75-95-105 (f)-105!

That last one 105 looked UGLY! But I did it. Actually it wasn't that bad, I just needed to get a better Dip-Drive. The Tabata Mash Up was not fun at all! Those 8 rounds were never going to end, or so I thought....We did the weight as Rx'd...45# for the Front squat. We started off on parallete push ups, but after the first round, we went to knee push ups. That was hard! For the front squats, I got 5, (wrists were hurting after this but the weight wasn't that bad...)and for the push ups...my number for the parallete was 6, with the knee push ups my lowest was 8 and my highest was 11....push ups are getting better. And once my back gets back to 100%...everything will be great!

On an overall note....the 6PM class is amazing! Everyone there brings such intensity Even if we are not the best, we still get out there and give it everything we have. We leave everything we have there! Like the title says....It could be something in the air! This is a wonderful group of people, and I am so happy to be a part of it!

Diet for yesterday:
Breakfast: 2 slices of turkey bacon, 1/2c pineapple
Lunch: didn't eat
Dinner: 4 baked chicken strips, 5 almonds
Snack: grapes and peanuts
Total Water Intake: 1.5L
*Note about the diet and to why it wasn't very good...when my body doesn't feel well, I have no appetite, and I don't like forcing myself to eat. Water intake could have been better.

Currently Listening to: "Something in the Water" by The Jealous Girlfriends

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