Sunday, March 15, 2009

Don't Hold Back

WOD for 3-13-2009

Weighted Pull-Ups

Double Unders
Ab-Mat Sit-Ups

Since I can't do a kipping pull up...grr...I had to see how far I could get using the bands. The Green problem. Blue problem either. I tried the red band like 5 times, and keep getting so close, but the closet I got was chin to the bar, but could never get chin over the bar. frustrating.

Annie....she was tiring. Instead of double unders, my sub was the vertical jump 1 ft above max reach. I finished this in 8:25. I kept watching Tyler, and was like, I have to beat him. Don't know why, but it gave me extra motivation. Guess it is the competitor coming out in me.

After workout, I went to Kozy Kitchen for the first time with some of the night crew. It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone on a casual basis, not just a workout, sweat, and can't breathe atmosphere.

Breakfast: eggwhite omelet with bacon and tomatoes
Lunch: baked chicken breast, kiwi, grapes, and peanuts
Dinner: Chicken Marsala with Kozy mash and vegetables
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "Galvanize" by The Chemical Brothers

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