Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Got A Brand New Attitude

WOD for 3-27-2009

Squat Cleans
Ring Dips


4 rounds for time:
400m run
500m row

So, I missed Thursdays I decided to make it up yesterday. Hence the two workouts posted. I asked Mel Thursday if she wanted to come early and make it up with me. Which of course, she did since she missed it too. It was fun....You have to love that feeling of exhaustion to where you are just laying on the floor, and the only thing you can do is's just great!

Time for Elizabeth: 11:26, 46# Squat cleans, green band on ring dips

So, we got about a 25 minute rest. And then, we start the warm up for the actual workout of the day. Which was the run and rowing! So, by round legs were numb. (Oh, and it was kinda chilly last night during the run.) Round 4, was painful! I ended up crying during the last row...which I was kinda embarrassed. Mel was like "You are such a rockstar!" Let me tell you, I didn't feel like a rockstar after that! Rockstars don't cry! Mel and Eric told me that that was okay, and because I had pushed myself so hard, that that will happen. Still embarrassing....but I got over it.

Overall, such an awesome workout day. I even had a golf lesson earlier that day! This was actually a really tough day for me. This day marked the one year anniversary of my grandfather's death. I miss him so much! And having such good friends and a great place to work out, it helps to take your mind off it. I know how proud he would be of me and how far I have come. This exhausting fun workout, wsa dedicated to him! I love you Papa!

Diet For Yesterday:
Breakfast: Didn't feel like eating, had 3 strawberries
Lunch: Still not very hungry, had 3 baked pieces of chicken
Dinner: Salad
Total Water Intake: 2L

Currently Listening to: "So What" by Pink

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