WOD for 3-11-2009
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull-Ups
50 Kettlebell Swings
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees-to-Elbows
50 Push-Press
50 Back Extentions
50 Wall-Ball
50 Burpeees
50 Double Unders
This was my first Filthy Fifty! Holy Cow...you know that whole breathing thing...yeah, kinda hard to do after this workout. I used the little box for the box jumps and jumping pull ups. The 26# KB for the swings. I can't do knees to elbows, so I modified that to where I brought me knees up as high as I could. Used the 15# bar for the Push Press. That was really light, but I don't know if I could have finished the 50 using the 45# bar as Rx'd. Back Extentions was modified with the "Supermans". 10# ball for the Wall Balls. Burpees....aahh...the dreaded Burpees. The first parts of this work out is just the warm up for the burpees. I did my modified Burpee. Sub for Double Unders was tuck jumps.
Time for the Filthy Fifty: 25:27!
I want to say thank you to our trainers for installig showers in our box. Granted, the hot water has not been set up, but I appreciated the shower (even though it was freezing cold) before heading to work.
After work, I went back to CFDC and did another workout. Sam had me work on squats.
45# (bar) x 10
65# x 8
70# x 5
75# x 5
80# x 5
85# 5
90# x 5
95# x 5
100# x 3
My old PR was 95# x 1, so the fact that I was able to do 95# x 5, was great. I went up to the 100# just to see if I could do it. I probably could have finished that set to 5, but I started to lean forward too much and didn't want to push it. I still need to work out keeping my chest up. Not quite sure how I am going to fix this. Koy suggested doing more squats. I like this idea.
I am still working towards my goal of a CrossFit Total of 500#. I think I am about 155# away from this if I can keep my numbers up.
Diet for Yesterday:
Breakfast: Bacon, grapes, and 1/2c oatmeal
Lunch: Salad with a baked chicken breast with bacon bits, 1/2 wheat roll
Snack: peanuts, kiwi and grapes
Dinner: 3 slices of ham, a stick of celery
Currently listening to: "Broken" by Seether Featuring Amy Lee
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